Unit 7 The Office Campus, Paragon Business Park, Red Hall Court, Wakefield, WF1 2UY

01924 971721

Enhance Academy Trust

Encourage - Help - Achieve - Nurture



Enhance Academy Trust Safeguarding Policy Statement


This policy statement should be read in conjunction with the local Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy of each individual Enhance Academy Trust school. The responsibility for implementation of the local Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in each school lies with the Headteacher as set out within the Trust’s the Scheme of Delegation. The Local Academy Board and Trust Board have an oversight of this and ensure effective implementation. School policies are based on the model policies provided by Wakefield and Kirklees Local Authorities.

Enhance Academy Trust is committed to ensuring the actions we take, keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. The Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils. The actions that we take to prevent harm, to promote well-being, to create safe environments, to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the Trust. We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility and make every effort to provide a safe environment underpinned by a culture of openness where both children and adults feel secure, able to talk and believe they are being listened to.

The key principles of this statement are as follows:

  • Individual school policies, available on individual school websites, have been developed to ensure compliance with Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, Section 11 of the Children Act 2004, ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’ and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024.
  • All schools follow the advice contained in the guidance ‘What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused 2015.’
  • All schools follow their local Safeguarding Children Partnership interagency policies and procedures and Information Sharing Agreement.
  • All schools complete their local Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Safeguarding Audit which should then be made available to the Local Authority, Local Academy Board, and the Trust.
  • Each Local Academy Board is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for the school. This is integral to the Headteacher’s Leadership Report which is received by Local Academy Board at each meeting.
  • Each Local Academy Board has a Designated Safeguarding Governor who reports and provides feedback at Local Academy Board meetings. All governors complete Strategic Safeguarding Training.
  • The Designated Safeguarding Governor meets regularly with the school Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) to ensure compliance.
  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) must complete annual relevant Safeguarding Training.
  • Schools will robustly follow their Local Authority Escalation Procedure if they have concerns about the management of a case by their Children’s Social Care. This policy works in conjunction with other relevant policies all which safeguard the interests and welfare of children for example, Safer Recruitment, Anti-Bullying, Whistleblowing, Health and Safety, Special Educational Needs and Disability. All policies are reviewed regularly and updated more frequently if national guidance requires.
  • In order to implement this policy successfully every employee must take an active role to support this Policy Statement and to co-operate fully and support Enhance Academy Trust in its efforts to keep children safe.

The effectiveness of this Policy Statement and arrangements will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees.


 Staff Code of Conduct 2024.pdfDownload
 Final Safer Recruitment Policy Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Kirklees - Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Template.docxDownload
 Wakefield - Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Template.docDownload
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